Native Village and Salmon Bake


Annette Island is a reserve governed by the industrious Tsimshian Indians who, under the leadership of English missionary Father William Duncan, paddled to this location from British Columbia in 1887.

From Ketchikan harbor, you'll take a 15-minute seaplane flight to the island settlement of Metlakatla, one of Alaska's most unique native communities. During your guided visit, you'll discover how Metlakatla's past and present are inseparably linked by a people who still proudly maintain the values that brought them here last century. Under the capable direction of Father Duncan, the community built a church, sawmill, a cannery and houses, many of which are still in use today.

You will enter the Duncan Cottage Museum, housed in the missionary's original home, and explore the Annette Island Packing Company fish processing facility, where you'll receive a complimentary can of custom-packed smoked salmon. nearby, a replica of the impressive Duncan Church overlooks the community.

The nationally-recognized fourth Generation Dancers will then entertain inside the village's Long House, overlooking the colorful boat harbor. You'll also see a cultural exhibit and perhaps purchase one of the fine artifacts, which have been crafted by talented native artisans. later at the salmon bake, you'll feast on delicious barbecued Pacific salmon and halibut, with all the traditional trimmings.

As your aircraft returns along the coast of Annette island, your attention will be drawn to one of the native community's unique fish traps.

this memorable sojourn will reveal the pride of Metlakatla's 1,600 citizens in their rich heritage, culture and achievements.

Approximately 3 hours.

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